Friday, February 1, 2008

My Kids Are Getting Old and I'm Getting Sick...

My oldest daugher will be 5 this Sunday. Unfortunately, I'll be in Jacksonville, but I did get to take her out last night on a Daddy Date! It was fun. Chuck-e-Cheese's is not overcrowded on rainy, Thursday nights, so if you need to go there, go then! It's amazing watching her grow up. She was around 2 months old when we left Woodstock to serve at Acworth, but she's doing great with the transition. Indoor playgrounds help with that a lot! She wore a new B-Day dress that was cute. I'm glad I didn't have to dress up like a Prince. We talked on the way about her understanding of God. It amazes me that from the time she was around 3, she has had a relatively good understanding of God. She told me last night when talking to her that Jesus already lives in her heart because she loves Him and believes in Him. What a foundation! However, I will be ticked if someone besides myself leads her through a true confession of sin and a making a true commitment to Christ-so Pre-School workers, BACK OFF! Consider yourself warned.

I think I'm getting the flu. I feel great!

Mike Huckabee will be coming to church Sunday. He's supposed to share his testimony in 5 minutes. Let's see if a politician/preacher can do that!

I'm going to get some OJ since the machine at church wouldn't take my money. I have to get a better laser printer. Anyway, dinner is at 4:30, after which I'll be joining around 8,000 of my closest friends for the men's conference here at Woodstock. Joel, you loser. You should have come...

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