Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baptism This Past Saturday Night

I had a dream come true this past Saturday at the (pre) Easter service at FBC Woodstock when I got to baptize my oldest daughter. She did great, especially considering that I was cued out at the wrong time so we got to hang out in the water through an entire song (in front of 2500 people). The really sad thing is that it isn't the first time I've been left hanging in the baptistry. The funny thing, besides the situation itself, is that no matter how big the church or how well you plan, mistakes can happen to anyone! It was a great service. Newsong sang, the music was pretty hot and Pastor Johnny was awesome. It was cool seeing the friends from Acworth that came to show their support. I'm grateful for the childrens workers there. They did a lot to influence my kids in a positive way with the Gospel.
We went to Freedom Church Sunday morning. It was awesome! JR is a great communicator and the music absolutely jammed. I do have to say even though they had more subwoofers than we did at FBC Acworth, our band was totally as good as theirs. The subwoofers were very nice though. We couldn't put anymore in at Acworth due to concerns about the stained glass windows breaking-seriously. I think great things will happen there. It's going to be fun to watch-even from the sidelines. For people looking for a strong, modern style church, you should definately check it out!

The kids stayed with Lisa's parents last night, so it was a great night to have an "at-home" date. That may sound goofy, but I can flat out cook-which contributes to my wonderful physic. I made some killer food and Latte's (check out http://www.landofathousandhillscoffee.com/) I get the dark roast. It's amazing coffee and the money helps widows and victims from the genocides in Rwanda. AAlso, FYI, the new "Bourne" movie was good.
Waverunner weather is almost here, and the lake levels are looking good!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

It was definitely an awesome service! What a blessing!