One thing I am able to focus on this year in preparation for the future is completing my college degree. I am one test and a couple of hours from completing my first class this spring. I completed this 8-week course in 2.5. That's pretty sweet. Anyway, the next to last assignment for the class was to interview someone in the career I am considering. My interview-ee was Dr. Nelson Price, Pastor Emeritus of Roswell Street Baptist Church, which was a 10,000 member church at the time of his retirement. It is pretty cool the men God has allowed to mentor and influence my life. Enjoy the insights and wisdom from a man who was (and still is) used greatly by God to influence thousands of people around the world.
1) Why did you choose this particular profession?
My spiritual orientation persuades me that rather than choosing the profession I was chosen for it. Insights shared with me only after I made the commitment public confirm this. My parents dedicated themselves to rearing me for the Lord to use as He desired. They never hinted of this until after the decision was made. Before my birth my grandmother said of me that the baby to be born would be a redheaded preacher.
2) What are the educational requirements for this profession?
Among SBC churches there are no educational requirement. However, it is expedient for a person to obtain the fullest possible formal education. It is necessary to make a lifetime of study in order to stay current and be able to contribute.
3) What did you major in during college?
In college I had a double major of biology and horticulture.
4) If the training is specialized or an advanced degree is needed, what GPA is needed? When I was in school no GPAs were considered.
5) Are there ample opportunities for advancement?
The “sky” is the limit.
6) What kind of income can I expect to have if I choose this profession?
On average it is considerably below other professions in which comparable formal training is require.
7) What does a typical day look like?
Enjoyable. My typical day began at 4:30 in the study where I said until around 7:00 AM.. Every day necessitated a flexible schedule and involved such things as administrative oversight, counseling, hospital visitation, coordinating staff, sharing in social and civic events, conducting weddings and funeral, speaking to special groups, and participating in denomination events.
8) What are the most rewarding areas of this profession and what are the greatest challenges?
The most rewarding aspect is seeing lives changed. This often resulted in homes being stabilized, lives being transformed, persons experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, and individuals finding their course in life.
The greatest challenges are dealing with individuals and committees. Maintaining harmony within the body is an ongoing necessity. Being a servant/leader is a role often misunderstood. A minister must exercise authority and give guidance with the heart of a servant, that is, being attentive to the needs of the constituency and guiding them to accept what is best.
A little insight from a great servant of God, and a reminder of why to stay focused on the call God has placed on each of our lives.
The older posts show bits and pieces of the journey God has been taking my family and myself on over the past few years. The newer ones are various reflections and informative posts, just sharing things that are going on in some of my areas of ministry.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
What a Week!
It's been busy. I'm excited about the opportunity to observe Pastor Johnny during this year. Tuesday we went to Blacksheer Place Baptist in Gainsville. It was a cool church. Wednesday we went to Decatur, Alabama to another cool church. We got back at 3:00 am. I realized that late night meals at Cracker Barrel are going to kill any hopes of getting back into some sort of "not-fat-slob" status. Thursday we went to Trinity Chapel, a large Church of God church. Pastor was awesome. He's been teaching a lot on leadership. The worship at Trinity was incredible. Today, services at FBC Woodstock were great too. It was great getting to see Eddie Middleton sing, and the number of people making decisions!
Prayer Request: Pray for my friend Kris and his mom. She was faced with several hard decisions this weekend regarding her cancer and some other health issues. She has made a decision that was very hard, but probably the right decision, so she has probably 5-7 days left. Pray for her to be in comfort and peace. Pray for Kris, his sister & son (who is very close to his grandma and had to say his final good-bye tonight) and other family members during this time. God's grace is absolutely amazing, and it is needed in a huge way in the lives of their family members.
Congratulations Freedom Church!
Prayer Request: Pray for my friend Kris and his mom. She was faced with several hard decisions this weekend regarding her cancer and some other health issues. She has made a decision that was very hard, but probably the right decision, so she has probably 5-7 days left. Pray for her to be in comfort and peace. Pray for Kris, his sister & son (who is very close to his grandma and had to say his final good-bye tonight) and other family members during this time. God's grace is absolutely amazing, and it is needed in a huge way in the lives of their family members.
Congratulations Freedom Church!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Lessons in Marriage (Post 2-edit)
I decided to update this. A little advice from Kenny... "Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to shut up." Lots of wisdom there...
Early Church Closings
It was funny Saturday at noon seeing all the churches that had already cancelled all of their services for the whole day for Sunday. Not funny "ha-ha", but funny "hmmm". Funny, maybe you can tell the churches that even the staff members don't like to attend...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Lessons in Marriage
I learned something very valuable this morning when talking to my wife in regards to communication in marriage. When she asks what's going on in my life, what I'm doing, etc..., the proper response is not "Read My Blog".
I also learned that she does actually read it, so take my number of readers list to 5! Actually, since she reads it, I kind of wandered why she wanted to know what's going on in my life, since she should already know...
I also learned that she does actually read it, so take my number of readers list to 5! Actually, since she reads it, I kind of wandered why she wanted to know what's going on in my life, since she should already know...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Affirmation & God's Blessings!
God is totally blessing my family and myself. When we took this mentorship, the numbers our family needed each month for our budget and the numbers that we would be receiving were significantly different. I told the people of FBC Acworth that if God leads us to follow Him, then He will provide for us. God honors obedience! He has shown Himself faithful over and over again-just in the past month! God has done so again today in a huge way! I don't want to give details or numbers, but God has His hand on us and I'm grateful for His blessings! It looks like we will are on the verge now of knowing our monthly needs will be met instead of running a huge deficit each month!
God didn't show us the whole picture when we made the decision to take the biggest step of faith up to this point in our lives, stepping out of our financial security and comfort zone, but we had to trust that He would provide since He was leading. He is totally doing so in a huge way!
Please know from God's Word and my testimony, that if God is leading you to do something for Him, it is likely that it won't make sense, but God honors obedience. If God is leading you to do something great for Him, it may take sacrifice and huge faith, but He honors obedience!
I don't know where I heard this, it may have been from Brett, or another pastor. Anyway, the question/statement was this: "We are willing to trust God in our death, but are we willing to trust Him with our life?"
Please pray for us as we continue preparing for the future, getting ready for the amazing things God has planned for us! Pray that we don't forget the lessons God is teaching us as He is preparing us for the future! As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, the tests and faith challenges will grow. Pray that my wife and I never get to the point that we aren't willing to trust God wherever, whenever He leads.
As I got to preach in Russia this past Sunday, God has amazing things He desires to do in and through us, but in order for Him to do those things, we must have the level of faith that changes our lives and enables us to follow Him, even when we don't know how everything will take care of itself! Matthew 6:33, the lazy, I don't feel like looking it up right now for the exact words, translation (and really close to the New Living Translation) "Seek God first and everything else will take care of itself".
No matter where you are in life, seek God! He honors obedience! Follow Him! It's a crazy, wild scary ride, but it's definately worth the thrills!
God Bless!
God didn't show us the whole picture when we made the decision to take the biggest step of faith up to this point in our lives, stepping out of our financial security and comfort zone, but we had to trust that He would provide since He was leading. He is totally doing so in a huge way!
Please know from God's Word and my testimony, that if God is leading you to do something for Him, it is likely that it won't make sense, but God honors obedience. If God is leading you to do something great for Him, it may take sacrifice and huge faith, but He honors obedience!
I don't know where I heard this, it may have been from Brett, or another pastor. Anyway, the question/statement was this: "We are willing to trust God in our death, but are we willing to trust Him with our life?"
Please pray for us as we continue preparing for the future, getting ready for the amazing things God has planned for us! Pray that we don't forget the lessons God is teaching us as He is preparing us for the future! As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, the tests and faith challenges will grow. Pray that my wife and I never get to the point that we aren't willing to trust God wherever, whenever He leads.
As I got to preach in Russia this past Sunday, God has amazing things He desires to do in and through us, but in order for Him to do those things, we must have the level of faith that changes our lives and enables us to follow Him, even when we don't know how everything will take care of itself! Matthew 6:33, the lazy, I don't feel like looking it up right now for the exact words, translation (and really close to the New Living Translation) "Seek God first and everything else will take care of itself".
No matter where you are in life, seek God! He honors obedience! Follow Him! It's a crazy, wild scary ride, but it's definately worth the thrills!
God Bless!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
School is back in session
Well, I got back from Russia in time to see this weeks American Idol. With Joel's help, I identified a homeschooler or two (not all homeschoolers are weird and my wife is going to homeschool our kids, so back off!!!). Thanks dude. Oh yeah, good thing we came back yesterday. My first school assignment was due tonight-which I got done this afternoon! That's right. I'm back-school is back in session, and I'm going to rock out some education. Oh yeah!!!
It's amazing to see God provide in our lives. I'm totally excited about this upcoming year. God has been so faithful in His provision. My family has received 2 totally unexpected checks to help out with our bills, which is great, since my wife and I haven't gotten a paycheck since the week before Christmas (although we have gotten bills!). God is proving that where He leads He provides. JR had some great insight in this area. If we wait on God to put all the pieces together so that we will be comfortable in stepping out to serve Him, then we'll be waiting forever.
I can't encourage you enough to follow God in whatever area He is directing you go in! Prepare yourself so that when God moves in your heart, you can follow Him. It's a scary, amazing journey. However, as some mystery man wrote in Heb. 12:3-4, we haven't given nearly what Jesus has given when He served us by dying for our sin on the cross.
Liberty DLP Tuition: $250 per credit hour
School Books: $50 ea. avg.
Seeing God provide as He prepares you for His service: Priceless
For education, there's Liberty. For everything else, there's God. Follow God.
It's amazing to see God provide in our lives. I'm totally excited about this upcoming year. God has been so faithful in His provision. My family has received 2 totally unexpected checks to help out with our bills, which is great, since my wife and I haven't gotten a paycheck since the week before Christmas (although we have gotten bills!). God is proving that where He leads He provides. JR had some great insight in this area. If we wait on God to put all the pieces together so that we will be comfortable in stepping out to serve Him, then we'll be waiting forever.
I can't encourage you enough to follow God in whatever area He is directing you go in! Prepare yourself so that when God moves in your heart, you can follow Him. It's a scary, amazing journey. However, as some mystery man wrote in Heb. 12:3-4, we haven't given nearly what Jesus has given when He served us by dying for our sin on the cross.
Liberty DLP Tuition: $250 per credit hour
School Books: $50 ea. avg.
Seeing God provide as He prepares you for His service: Priceless
For education, there's Liberty. For everything else, there's God. Follow God.
Just Got Back From Russia

Below is a journal entry from this past week in Russia (it's actually my only journal entry).
Russia Journal 1
It is freezing. The temps on the internet said it would be in the teens. I think the web was wrong. I thought you could believe everything that you read online. Anyway…
What a great couple of days! We arrived in our city late on Monday evening. Tuesday we went to Ivan’s house and got gifts ready to give the kids at the Orphanages. Here is what they are getting for Christmas-and they’re pumped to get it: 2 items of one of the following: a pair of socks, toboggan or scarf, a bottle of shampoo, tube of toothpaste, 2 apples, 3 oranges, a pencil and pen & for the smaller kids, a “vending machine” type toy, a candy bar and some got a tube of chap stick. I think the plastic bag the gifts were in was as valuable to the kids as the gifts themselves. It was a neat gift for the kids, but a little perspective here lets you realize that these are mostly necessities that we take for granted that these kids wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. These trips are always great to keep my perspective in check.
Russians drive like crazy people-many in really tiny cars-see above pic. Joel, who I can make scream like a girl when getting on entrance ramps on the interstate, wouldn’t make it here. Anyway, they’re even crazier on ice. We were involved in the first auto “incident” I’ve ever been party to here (and no, I wasn’t driving) in 5 years, which is pretty amazing in itself, but it was bound to happen. Our van and a new BMW x-5 got a little too close on a railroad crossing at the bottom of a huge hill and the mirrors “kissed”. Ivan could have picked a cheaper vehicle to smack. I don’t know who’s fault it was. I know who’ll end up paying for it though.
The Elvis shows were good. The students from the church here put on a really good Christmas show, and then I do “Elvis”. It’s an amazing thing, the relationship that the church has with so many of the orphanages. The government and the Orthodox church (which does not teach scripture, but saints, relics, made up stories about the saints, tradition, etc…) are putting pressure on the orphanage directors (like threatening jobs) to not allow them to do the work they are doing. Pray for Ivan and the church.
I fell on the ice tonight. It hurt. “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” “We’re sending help immediately, Mrs. Fletcher.” It was pretty funny.
We had a great night of prayer tonight, praying together for the ministry here around the table after dinner. I wonder if this is a little taste of what the New Testament church meetings were like.
After lunch this morning, Ivan and some others shared what it was like growing up in communism. They spoke of family members being arrested (and of a grandfather being executed) for faith in Christ. Ivan spoke of the harassment from teachers as a child to having an officer in the army waving a gun in his face, telling him he could kill him and no one would even bother him for doing so because he wouldn’t join the communist party. I wish you could have seen the look on his face as he shared. It was painful. It was the same look he had when sharing about the pressure now placed on them by the government as they continue their work in the orphanages here.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow!
Russia Journal 1
It is freezing. The temps on the internet said it would be in the teens. I think the web was wrong. I thought you could believe everything that you read online. Anyway…
What a great couple of days! We arrived in our city late on Monday evening. Tuesday we went to Ivan’s house and got gifts ready to give the kids at the Orphanages. Here is what they are getting for Christmas-and they’re pumped to get it: 2 items of one of the following: a pair of socks, toboggan or scarf, a bottle of shampoo, tube of toothpaste, 2 apples, 3 oranges, a pencil and pen & for the smaller kids, a “vending machine” type toy, a candy bar and some got a tube of chap stick. I think the plastic bag the gifts were in was as valuable to the kids as the gifts themselves. It was a neat gift for the kids, but a little perspective here lets you realize that these are mostly necessities that we take for granted that these kids wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. These trips are always great to keep my perspective in check.
Russians drive like crazy people-many in really tiny cars-see above pic. Joel, who I can make scream like a girl when getting on entrance ramps on the interstate, wouldn’t make it here. Anyway, they’re even crazier on ice. We were involved in the first auto “incident” I’ve ever been party to here (and no, I wasn’t driving) in 5 years, which is pretty amazing in itself, but it was bound to happen. Our van and a new BMW x-5 got a little too close on a railroad crossing at the bottom of a huge hill and the mirrors “kissed”. Ivan could have picked a cheaper vehicle to smack. I don’t know who’s fault it was. I know who’ll end up paying for it though.
The Elvis shows were good. The students from the church here put on a really good Christmas show, and then I do “Elvis”. It’s an amazing thing, the relationship that the church has with so many of the orphanages. The government and the Orthodox church (which does not teach scripture, but saints, relics, made up stories about the saints, tradition, etc…) are putting pressure on the orphanage directors (like threatening jobs) to not allow them to do the work they are doing. Pray for Ivan and the church.
I fell on the ice tonight. It hurt. “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” “We’re sending help immediately, Mrs. Fletcher.” It was pretty funny.
We had a great night of prayer tonight, praying together for the ministry here around the table after dinner. I wonder if this is a little taste of what the New Testament church meetings were like.
After lunch this morning, Ivan and some others shared what it was like growing up in communism. They spoke of family members being arrested (and of a grandfather being executed) for faith in Christ. Ivan spoke of the harassment from teachers as a child to having an officer in the army waving a gun in his face, telling him he could kill him and no one would even bother him for doing so because he wouldn’t join the communist party. I wish you could have seen the look on his face as he shared. It was painful. It was the same look he had when sharing about the pressure now placed on them by the government as they continue their work in the orphanages here.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Time to Start Packing
I'm taking off in 28 hours for Russia. It's getting close to time to pack. Went with Pastor Johnny to a COGBE (Conf. of Ga. Bapt. Evang.) He was aweseome. He taught from 2 Tim. 1, teaching on what pastors & evangelists need based off of Paul's Encouragement to Timothy. 1. Affection 2. Petition (Praying for him) 3. Devotion (true devotion to someone means that you truly know them) 4. Passion (stirring up your desire to serve Christ). Also, we all need respect.
Pretty cool evening. Russ Lee did a concert too. He rocks. Great voice. He got back last year from a 6-month mission trip with his family. They cleared their calendar, totally stepped out on faith re: the finances and went to all the continents (except Antartica. He said penguins dress up but you can't get them to come to church) and did free concerts and saw like 6,000 people come to Christ. Now he's a worship pastor at his local church. His wife, Mary, is in the last part of an aggressive cancer treatment that is for now gone. Pray for her.
What was funny was seeing the politicians from NAMB and some of the "Christian-Eze", gushy, touchy guys that can make a good "concerned" look with their face that you want to slap. There were definately some interesting people there.
Got the Elvis suit fixed yesterday, so it's ready for the trip. I'll be doing Elvis shows in a bunch of orphanages in Russia and sharing Christ and our team will be working to provide Christmas gifts for over 1,ooo kids. Pray for us & for those kids. I'm already getting a cold. The "good" thing is that it's not going to be as cold as I originally thought. It will be in the teens every day. I thought it would be below 0. While I'm in Russia, Pastor and Jeremy & their families will be on a Bahamas cruise that I could have been on. Maybe it will rain on all of them the whole time...I'm not bitter...
Kidding. Pray for me. Russia is going to ROCK!!!
Pretty cool evening. Russ Lee did a concert too. He rocks. Great voice. He got back last year from a 6-month mission trip with his family. They cleared their calendar, totally stepped out on faith re: the finances and went to all the continents (except Antartica. He said penguins dress up but you can't get them to come to church) and did free concerts and saw like 6,000 people come to Christ. Now he's a worship pastor at his local church. His wife, Mary, is in the last part of an aggressive cancer treatment that is for now gone. Pray for her.
What was funny was seeing the politicians from NAMB and some of the "Christian-Eze", gushy, touchy guys that can make a good "concerned" look with their face that you want to slap. There were definately some interesting people there.
Got the Elvis suit fixed yesterday, so it's ready for the trip. I'll be doing Elvis shows in a bunch of orphanages in Russia and sharing Christ and our team will be working to provide Christmas gifts for over 1,ooo kids. Pray for us & for those kids. I'm already getting a cold. The "good" thing is that it's not going to be as cold as I originally thought. It will be in the teens every day. I thought it would be below 0. While I'm in Russia, Pastor and Jeremy & their families will be on a Bahamas cruise that I could have been on. Maybe it will rain on all of them the whole time...I'm not bitter...
Kidding. Pray for me. Russia is going to ROCK!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Verse & Thought of the Day
As talked about in other posts, I've been doing a lot of reading lately. Right now I am reading the book, "The End of Religion" by Bruxy Cavey. I'm enjoying it. I recommend it (so far, I'm about 3/4 through it). It really gets you to thinking. Anyway, here is a verse that has just jumped out at me that is at the end of one of the chapters in the book.
Hosea 6:6 " I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings."
These are from the Chapter on John 1:1-4 John 1
Prologue: Christ, the Eternal Word
"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."
"Christ followers are not actually people of the Book, but people of the Person" p 182
"Bible knowledge is just a first step toward the goal of following Jesus" p 182
"If following Jesus is our goal, it will readically change how we read, interpret and apply the Bible" p 184
Hosea 6:6 " I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings."
These are from the Chapter on John 1:1-4 John 1
Prologue: Christ, the Eternal Word
"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."
"Christ followers are not actually people of the Book, but people of the Person" p 182
"Bible knowledge is just a first step toward the goal of following Jesus" p 182
"If following Jesus is our goal, it will readically change how we read, interpret and apply the Bible" p 184
First Days
I've settled in okay to the office beginning my new internship with Pastor Johnny. The other intern is Jeremy. He's praying over starting a church, possibly in Ft. Lauderdale. We moved him into his apartment yesterday. I leave for Russia Sunday. Pastor and a bunch of people from here (including Jeremy-and would have included me and our families) are heading out Monday to go on a 6 day Bahama's cruise. The preaching on that cruise will be great.
This article is pretty funny.
Let the year begin!
This article is pretty funny.
Let the year begin!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A New Year Is Here!
Welcome 2008! It's going to be an amazing year! Just got back a little while ago from Xtreme. The last session is in the morning. Tomlin and Newsong were great tonight. Tony Nolan rocked the house. Over 300 kids responded to the message, and over 190 of them were salvation decisions. That's pretty stinkin' sweet! Everything wraps up in the morning. We'll head home and then help the other Mentee, Jeremy move into his place Wednesday, then the first kind of official day at FBC Woodstock will be on Thursday. I leave for Russia Sunday. Got to get a few last minute things together for that. It's about to get hectic, but I think now the hectic-ness won't be for naught!
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